Dark Skies


image by flo222 of pixabay.com

Every once in a while, we break off from presenting our original works to share with you something profoundly awesome out there: the dark skies. And if you have a wanderlust for the wonders of the night skies, you know that the threat of light pollution is real. The International Dark-Sky Association is trying to raise awareness of our dark skies and the threat of light pollution to this natural nighttime environment. We hope you take the time to view the videos and photos shared hereherehere and here, and explore the other links in this post, for education as much as for enjoyment.

from the skyglowproject.com

from darksky.org 

About sandstarsblog

wild reader. writer in the wild. technologist at work. not necessarily in that order.
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5 Responses to Dark Skies

  1. Pingback: Wanderlust: Sowing Machine | What's (in) the picture?

  2. margaret21 says:

    We’re lucky enough to have pretty dark skies here. But when we get the chance of profoundly dark skies …. well that’s such a rich experience.

    • Thanks for the comment, Margaret. One is indeed pretty lucky if one can, with simply a few steps, go out into the open to marvel at a night sky with a grand view of the Milky Way and a million stars. Where I am at now, sometimes I would half-expect a handful of Batmen to come swinging down from the sky, what with all the outdoor sky beams from city establishments scanning the stark sky most nights of the week. 🙂

  3. Great post

    I recently wrote about the topic at

    The Science Geek

    • Thank you, sir. And thank you for the link to your blog. Science explained for the non-scientist, especially in clear, concise and interesting ways, is always a welcome resource. Until I read your post, I never made the connection between frogs croaking at night and the dark skies 🙂

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