a crabby haiku

of crabs and mentalities 

why do you get blamed
for their own mentalities?
o crab, you’re just fine.

© said sadain, jr. 2018 

About sandstarsblog

wild reader. writer in the wild. technologist at work. not necessarily in that order.
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7 Responses to a crabby haiku

  1. stbarbebaker says:

    LOL great little Haiku It truly is mysterious the variance of definitions for the one word

    • Thank you for this comment 🙂 Indeed, words have power, a source of both understanding and misunderstanding. And thanks again, me thinks you just gave me the idea for my next haiku LOL! 😀

  2. Love it😊

  3. Concise and enjoyable. The Buddhist ideal is to take responsibility, not to blame, be empathic etc. It is sooo hard. 😃

  4. Thanks, Steve. Very true, an ideal that is so much desired but not easy to attain. And now that you associate Buddhism with my crab, I’m suddenly seeing orange & red all over! Literally! This kind of orange-red, that is 🙂 : http://www.choosephilippines.com/eat/local-flavors/3501/great-tasting-curacha-crab 😀

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